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Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs: The National Congress of American Indians: Officers, Resolutions,, 1969

Object Type: Folder
In Folder: Legislative, 1967-1974


This resolution urges state officials to stop harassing Indians who are exercising their treaty-protected hunting and fishing rights. It also congratulates the US government for its efforts to defend those rights, and calls on the states to allow the Indians to retain their culture.


The National Congress of American Indians (NCAI) has elected Earl Old Person as its new president. Other officers include Bruce Wilkie as executive director, John C. Rainer as first vice president, Dorothy Davids as treasurer, and Peggy Acoya as recording secretary. Regional vice presidents will be Alvina Greybear, Don Wright, James Cox, Marjorie Johnson, Hiner Doublehead, Veronica Murdock, Walter Moffett, and Erin Forrest. Clarence Acoya has been appointed as the project field director for the Albuquerque field office, and William E. Hallett is the industrial development director in Washington, D.C.


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